Asset Based Loans

Asset Based Loans

Cash flow gap? That’s a big business problem that needs immediate funding!

Business emergency happens! There are various challenges coming your way and somehow, they affected the cash flow of your company. How are you going to solve this problem when you have already stretched your credit limit in the bank or other lending companies?

Think about the things your company acquired! Do you have real properties such as real state, land, or machinery equipment? Are your current assets such product inventory in good condition and saleable? How about your liquid assets like accounts receivables, mutual funds, or money market assets? Can you make use of them to bridge the cash flow gap you are experiencing?

YES, you can! If you have any of those, you can apply for an Asset Based Loans to address your cash flow gap.

Basically, with all that’s been said in the beginning of this, you already have an idea what is an Asset Based Loans. Yes!  It is a cash funding you can apply in any lending institutions with your assets as your main collateral. However, this kind of loan is solely for businesses and not meant for individuals. It is flexible in the sense that it depends on the value of your collateral. It is also called commercial finance or asset-based lending.

So, if you have no money to purchase for your raw materials to fill customer orders, you can avail the Asset Based Purchase Order Financing in which the asset-based lender will purchase the materials from the company’s supplier. The supplier gets paid by the lender and your company will invoice your customers for their dues. When they pay, the customer’s money goes directly to the asset-based lender. Financing cost will be deducted and you get to have the balance of the payment! We will do it for you!

You get to solve your financial cash flow gap! You get to continue your company’s operations! You get to have your assets back when you are already up and going again!

If interested, pls message or call us on the numbers reflected on the website! We will be happy to serve you because together, we can keep your business growing!